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Let's see what remains...

The reverberations of sustainability

The birds are already chirping it from the rooftops. The world is becoming truly sustainable. How does that sound to your ears? Sustainability. A really wonderful word. But what do we mean by it? First of all, we are saying one thing: we want to! And many people want it too, and every company in its own way. Every household, every individual. Sustainability means first of all, yes, I want it.

Want vs Do

However, all this wanting is rarely translated into doing. Because unlike wanting, doing is a very lengthy process that involves an infinite number of corrections and compromises. and compromises. A path that means the decision has to be transferred to everyday life every day anew. must be transferred to everyday life. And therein lies one of the major problems of sustainability. Because, as beautiful and desirable as it it sounds, it is damn complex. We buy bamboo toothbrushes, we recycle our bottles, we skip flying 2-3 times and we think to ourselves: the The next pair of jeans really will come from the nice second-hand store around the corner.

Production vs sustainability

Is this already the ominous sustainability and the much-vaunted green turnaround? We all want to create change. Everyone for themselves, on a small or large scale. The fact that climate change and the and the associated damage and structural changes are no longer disputed by anyone. But in companies companies, for the sole reason that the goal of the vast majority of companies is "production" (whether of real or immaterial goods). or immaterial goods) stand in their own way. This is because production always involves some form of energy consumption. Information from employees, machines, electricity, production materials and much more. This means that if I create something, I always generate more energy. This makes it difficult to keep our society economically "healthy" and at the same time not take out more than we give back.

How is all this supposed to work?

Complex problems usually require complex answers at many different interfaces. Our approach is perhaps somewhat unconventional and different from what is usual in companies. We also have an selection of organic drinks, "fair" toilet paper and try to avoid unnecessary business trips, but this is more of a side issue for us. more of a side issue for us. For us, it is important to set up the components of our work in such a way that they are sustainable in their entirety. In other words, we include the compensation costs in the price of the service energy. We have divided our work packages into three different areas. We have given them the names Good Consulting, Good License and Good Applications. This translates as: Every service we provide, every license purchased through us as twenty20 and also the installation of each application is already compensated as a percentage during the purchasing process. compensated. Important here: We don't just want to give away when there is still some donation money left at the end of the year, but rather include a binding price in the purchase of the products. In this way, we make it clear that there is hardly any performance without energy consumption and that it is important to us that the good cause is not a "nice-to-have" but a "must-have". as a "must-have". This makes no financial difference to the customer. We deliberately forgo percentage in the actual turnover and also adhere to standard market hourly rates. The only difference is that we can provide a "good conscience guarantee" at the end. This makes it easy for medium-sized companies to get their digital workstation, their new website, their licenses with fair standards.

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twenty20 GmbH & Co. KG

Hausinger Straße 6
40764 Langenfeld
+49 (0) 2173 167 00 50

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